Timetable+ Support


How and when are the dates in the schedule updated?
Every time Timetable+ gets launched it will check and update the dates and current week accordingly
  • Current week - Updates at the end of every week
  • Schedule Dates - All dates will update when the last Sunday of the schedule has passed
Note - If your schedule has weekend days disabled the dates wont update until the Sunday of the last week in the schedule has passed. 
I have purchased RemoveAds but I'm still receiving ads?

Try restoring your purchase by clicking the restore purchases button in the remove ads page located in settings. If this doesn't work try the following:

If you've tried restoring purchases after trying the above and you have been charged please contact the support e-mail below answering the questions below which will help us investigate this issue further:

I have purchased RemoveAds but I'm still receiving ads?

Try restoring your purchase by clicking the restore purchases button in the remove ads page located in settings. If this doesn't work try the following:

If you've tried restoring purchases after trying the above and you have been charged please contact the support e-mail below answering the questions below which will help us investigate this issue further:

When do Homework Reminders notify me?